Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting

The Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting (Dutch Burns Foundation), a foundation that I have enjoyed working with for years. The projects are very diverse. We work together to design the components to raise funds, but also magazines and informative flyers for the large number of volunteers who are committed to the foundation.

Client: Dutch Burns Foundation
Services: Branding & Design



One of the assignments was the renewal of the First Aid booklet. Most burn victims are young children and they are often minor accidents with major consequences. It is important to act immediately in case of burns. In a few steps we share in this booklet what to do. In addition, children suffer burns that can generally be prevented by taking certain measures during daily life. These are also described.


As of July 1st 2022, a law came into effect in the Netherlands whereby every homeowner is obliged to place smoke detectors on every floor of the house. About a year before, I had already designed several smoke detector characters together with the foundation to make people more aware of fire prevention and smoke detectors. The 'Smoke detectors save lives' campaign encouraged, among others, DIY store customers to install smoke detectors in their homes.
